After some delay with Daniel's Imprinting, we finally got our T-shirt order in!  We are not too satisfied with this imprinting place as they told us that the T-Shirts would definitely be in by Wednesday, but come Wednesday, they weren't there.  They said they'd be in Thursday and would call when they got in, but we never received a call.  On Friday, we called them and after being transferred to about 5 different people, we were finally notified that our shirts were in!  We went to pick them up and were able to begin selling them immediately!  I (Rachel) was the first one to buy a shirt and help our cause of donating to Sandy victims!  I wish we had more time to sell these shirts, but we will sell as much as we can in the next couple of days.  We have made a Facebook page of our product as another channel with which to sell our product.  We wish this class didn't have to end so soon, especially when we just got our order in, but we are looking forward to doing as much as we can in the next couple days!  As for the design of the shirts, they gave us two options to choose from.  We all unanimously decided on the second one as the better design.